

If you are an events organiser and you'd like your events to be included on this calendar, please contact me (Ben) at

I have built the site in such a way that it is easy for contributors to add their own events to the calendar, and I can send instruction on how to do so on request.

About me

This events calendar is built and maintained by me, Ben Jackson👋🏻 .

I volunteer as a trustee at the Miners & Mechanics' Institute where, as well as managing the co-working space, I often help with booking and running events. In my day job I work as a web developer and I built this site because I thought it might be useful for both the local community, and events organisers for there to be one centralised online calendar of events for St Agnes and the surrounding area.

Help needed!

I would like to add a mailing list to this site so people could sign up and receive updates about events in St Agnes.

I'm happy to set up the techy side of things but if someone would like to volunteer to help put a monthly newsletter together and send it out, please get in touch.